Category Archives: Uncategorized

My Review of “Mickey7” by Edward Ashton

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Amazon link: Mickey7
Author: Edward Ashton (@edashtonwriting)

Thumbnail sketch: Multi-layered, thought-provoking sci-fi. Funny in spots, too. You think you know where the story is going, but it doesn’t. A (very) few points docked for the ending being a bit abrupt.

5 Stars

My Take on Mickey7

Throughout my read of Mickey7, a multi-layered and thought-provoking sci-fi novel, I was struck by how effortless author Edward Ashton made it seem. He tosses up weighty topics like the meaning of life and what humanity advancing into the stars will likely look like without bogging down or derailing an entertaining and fast-paced story.

This review is based on an advance copy provided by the publisher through NetGalley for that purpose. The book will be available on February 15, 2022.

Set in a ‘beachhead colony’ of humans who’ve carved out a tenuous toe-hold on a new planet after a nine-year journey from an established colony, the titular Mickey serves as the group’s sole “expendable.” His skill set is limited (his job interview for the position is hilarious), but Mickey’s the guy if you have a job that will likely lead to death or dismemberment. That’s because Mickey’s consciousness and memories can be backed up and downloaded into a new replica of his body, something that’s happened six times already — hence the 7 attached to his name. Continue reading

Quick review of “Knight Redeemed: The Shackled Verities (Book Two)” by Tammy Salyer

5 Stars

Picking up right where Knight Chosen (see my review) left off, this entry in the epic fantasy series deepens the reader’s understanding of many of the leading characters and the world(s) they inhabit. Although the pace is a bit more measured than the first book, my interest never wavered as the tension steadily ratcheted up. The final few chapters simply flew by as surprise twists piled up and the stakes went through the roof.

Bring on Book 3.

Amazon Link: Knight Redeemed: The Shackled Verities (Book Two)

My Review of “The Mud Dance” by Neil Grimmett

30968098An engrossing character study with strong thriller elements, The Mud Dance by Neil Grimmett vividly brings to life a pair of working-class British rock-n-rollers trying to make it to the ‘big time’ in the 1970s. The music scene at that time was dominated by ‘supergroups’ like Led Zeppelin, Bad Company, and Humble Pie, and featured ever-wilder tales of sex, drugs and rock-n-roll involving the bands and their groupies.

The chapters are named for songs of the period that help describe the events unfolding in that section. Each chapter also begins with a introduction set in the present where Kenny, our guide through the story, plays in a seedy music club by the seaside. Kenny’s a gifted drummer who became a ‘local hero’ more than once as his musical fortunes rose and fell. He’s now teamed up with a new keyboardist whose playing brings back some deeply-buried memories.

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A Year of Paying It Forward

First, thanks much to Dylan for including my little novella in his list of recommendations. Second, I can’t agree more with his idea of supporting Indie authors. Finally, another thanks to Dylan for giving me a short list of diverse books I now very much want to read.

Suffolk Scribblings

Pay it forward

A year ago almost to the day I had an epiphany. At the time I was spending an awful lot of effort encouraging people to buy my recently published book, Second Chance, but realised every book I’d bought myself up until that point was published by one of the major publishers. I’d not bought, or read, an indie book, yet here I was trying to persuade others to buy mine.

The reason for not buying indie wasn’t snobbery but laziness. I bought books from authors I knew. I rarely tried anything new, and it was even rarer for me to read outside of my favourite genre comfort zone. Yet I’d received lots of support from the indie writing community, both how to write and publish a book, as well as lifting me up when my spirits were down. I knew I wanted to do something to pay the community back and support my…

View original post 1,364 more words

“The Creepers” on sale today & tomorrow

22852073Great news for everyone looking for a great read at a great price (and isn’t that all of us, really?): The Creepers by Norman Dixon Jr. (@normandixonjr) is on sale today (11/23) and tomorrow for $.99!

I gave the book five stars (read my review) and consider it among The Best I Read in 2013. Twenty years after the zombie apocalypse, there are outposts where the living barely hang on amid the untold numbers of the risen dead.

But this isn’t just another zombie story. Indeed, Mr. Dixon’s take on the genre is both fresh and engaging, and frighteningly realistic. The initial, mind-blowing panic of the dead rising and feasting on the living is long gone — although, of course, not forgotten. Death by Creeper bite still happens, but life for the living has settled into a rhythm, of sorts. Of course there are action scenes and scares, but I also enjoyed exploring this ‘more mature’ post-apocalyptic world.

“Vampire Down” now available! Final entry in awe-spectacular Blood Skies Series

vampire_down_final_rgb (1)The wait is over!

VAMPIRE DOWN, the final volume of the BLOOD SKIES series, is now available!

And through July 4th, volumes 2-6 are all on sale for just $2.99 each on, so if you don’t own them already go get ‘em now!


Who ever knew the end would come so soon?

In this final volume of the BLOOD SKIES series, Eric Cross and Danica Black find themselves facing impossible odds in the desolate ruins of the world they once knew. Hunted by the mercenary forces of the newly formed East Claw Coalition and desperate to find the elusive White Mother, the two refugees will be pushed to the limits of their abilities and sanity as they struggle to survive.

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2013 in review

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2013 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

A New York City subway train holds 1,200 people. This blog was viewed about 7,100 times in 2013. If it were a NYC subway train, it would take about 6 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

2012 in review

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

600 people reached the top of Mt. Everest in 2012. This blog got about 3,500 views in 2012. If every person who reached the top of Mt. Everest viewed this blog, it would have taken 6 years to get that many views.

Click here to see the complete report.

“Carpathia” moves to next round in Best Indie Books of 2012 contest

What a wonderful piece of news to wake up to!

I was informed this morning (Sunday, July 1) that Carpathia made the cut as a Semifinalist in The Kindle Book Review’s Best Indie Books of 2012 contest. I’m pleased (and, honestly, pretty surprised!) to display the badge of honor provided by The Kindle Book Review (@Kindlbookreview).

My little book is one of 12 semifinalists vying for the five slots that will comprise the Finalists in the Suspense/Horror category. Part of the criteria for selection was:

“These books were chosen because they hooked us in the first few pages, were well formatted and well edited. These titles also had above average star ratings!”

So a big THANK YOU to everyone who read my book and took the time to write and post a review!

And CONGRATULATIONS to my fellow semi-finalists. A quick glance at the list and I have 11 more books to add to my To-Read List!

Finalists will be announced September 1 and the top book, The Kindle Book Review’s Best Suspense/Horror of 2012 will be named October 1. I don’t have any expectations of going past this round, but as they say in Hollywood, just being nominated is an honor!

Looking for a GREAT read? Head over to The Kindle Book Review and check out the semifinalists in all categories of the contest. You’re sure to find an Indie book to enjoy.

Another 5-Star review of “Carpathia”

Thanks to Dave Whitmore (no relation) for this wonderful review of Carpathia on Amazon.

“I don’t know about you, but I’m sick of the current trend of stories where vampires are “sparkly” or angst ridden, or sexy. Vampires are sexy? Sorry but vampires are supposed to be monsters that drink blood. What the hell is sexy about that?

The idea of Carpathia intrigued me from the start as it promised a welcome return to vampire stories as they should be written. And this book didn’t disappoint. Vampires. Werewolves. A zombie. Airships.  …” (click here to keep reading)

I’ve been struggling with putting together the jigsaw pieces of a plot for my next book, so getting this kind of feedback definitely helps.

Follow Mr. Whitmore on Twitter @PsychicWitness